“Know your enemy, know his sword.”
― Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings
SecureIT is a company of hackers with a passion for the discipline. Members of our team are always looking for that bigger challenge. We achieve this with in-company capture the flags, but also by getting more certifications, diplomas as well as participating in national competitions. This creates a dynamic team in which we always push each other to be become even better.
Cyber security is a growing concern for the private and public sector in The Netherlands. New legislation pressures business to meet data protection requirements. Many times small and medium sized business don’t even have a dedicated IT staff, let alone a cyber security specialist. SecureIT provides a solution by offering fitting cyber security services.
The most important philosophy behind SecureIT is that everyone should have the hacker mindset, even employees that are not in a security role. To best protect our clients we need to know how malicious actors work. Next we need to be able to translate these knowledge and skills in a way our clients can understand. This combination enables SecureIT to make the Dutch market just a little bit safer.
The cyber security industry is at a never ending arms race with malicious actors. When a new attack method is found the industry respond with appropriate defense strategies.
“Know your enemy, know his sword.”
― Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings
For SecureIT to provide valuable cyber security services we need to be familiar with the attacks our clients face every day. To help us achieve this we can be often found at cyber security and hacker conferences. We regularly challenge ourselves with competitions and research the latest attack methods. This enables us to be aware of the most recent threats and know how to respond.
IT is in the hands of the new generation. Each subsequent generation seems to be more adapt with technology. That is why we need to find young people with the potential to become a black hat hacker and offer then a chance to use their skills for good, as a white hat hacker.
A security specialist / ethical hacker with a passion for cyber security. Alex has a BSc in Computer Science Engineering and a MSc of Cyber Security.
With a background in HR and administration Dominique has since made the switch to cyber security and privacy. Besides assistant she is also a junior pentester with multiple security certificates under her belt.
Are you interested in working with SecureIT for your information security needs? Or are you looking for a new challenge in cyber security? We are happy to answer any questions you might have.